Step into a futuristic world with this unique Alien Bio Lab Night Lamp. Featuring an intricately crafted alien figure suspended within a transparent bio chamber, this lamp evokes the atmosphere of a sci-fi laboratory. Handmade with wood and resin, the eerie glow from the lamp casts an otherworldly light, making it the perfect addition to any fan's collection. The detailed design and ambient lighting create a mesmerizing effect, ideal for setting the mood in any room.
size: 14x7x7 cm
Purely handmade, there will be errors in shape and size
Please note that all remotes will not come with batteries as required by customs. You may need to purchase batteries separately to use the remote control.
Resin Wood (With natural wood fragrance)
Material: epoxy resin + wood
Wattage: 1-2W LED light
Remote control: Yes
Wired/Wireless: USB wired